NAB Comments on Sen. Conrad Burns’ Passing

WASHINGTON-Former Senator from Montana Conrad Burns passed away on Thursday, April 28, at the age of 81 according to multiple reports. According to a profile from the National Association of Farm Broadcasting, the three term Republican Senator had a background in broadcast, reporting on agriculture news on radio and television, and even starting his own radio show. In 1975 he founded the Northern Ag Network. During his time in the Senate, he was a supporter of the broadcast industry.

Conrad Burns

Gordon Smith, NAB president and CEO, released this statement following the news of Burns’ death:

“Broadcasters have lost a great champion and I have lost a good Senate friend with the passing of Conrad Burns. Conrad’s deep appreciation for local broadcasting—based on his many years of service as a farm broadcaster in Montana—was evident on the Senate Commerce Committee. NAB and the farm broadcasting community will miss this common-sense lawmaker and man of good humor.”

Burns was a member of the NAFB and was inducted into the NAFB Hall of Fame in 2011. A profile from the organization can be found here.