New AirSpeed Multi Stream Enables Lower Cost HD Production

BURLINGTON, MA, September 27, 2010—Avid® today announced a new version of Avid AirSpeed® Multi Stream (1.6) ingest and playout server. As part of a file-based SD/HD production workflow, customers can now implement faster and more flexible ingest and playback using AirSpeed Multi Stream with or without the Avid Interplay Production asset management system—extending the reach of industry-leading ingest and playback workflows to broadcasters of all sizes. The new AirSpeed Multi Stream is also a key component in Avid’s recently announced NewsVision™, an integrated, scalable broadcast news solution for fast, easy and low-cost HD Production.

What’s New?

Designed to support a file-based production workflow, AirSpeed Multi Stream enables broadcasters to record feeds, store files temporarily, and play back news and other content to air. New features in AirSpeed Multi Stream include:

• Standalone capability: Enables a fast, lower cost end-to-end SD/HD production workflow for customers that do not have Interplay Production by enabling file transfer directly to Avid editing systems connected to and either ISIS shared storage or local storage. An editor can now pull files from the AirSpeed Multi Stream server and store them in a project or bin in the shared or local storage device. Customers can also incorporate Interplay Production to address larger scale or automated workflow requirements.

• Up/down/cross convert on playout: Accelerates multi-format workflows by eliminating the need to transcode clips to a target SD or HD format, or to cross convert between 720p and 1080i AVC-Intra before sending to playout.

• Back-to-back SD or HD playout: Speeds time to air for mixed format content by making it possible to play out SD or HD on the same playout channel, eliminating the need reconfigure or dedicate an SD or HD channel.

• Remote Console Access Control: Enhances ingest and playback reliability by allowing administrators to control channel or inventory management access on a per-user and per-channel basis. An intuitive user interface provides access to the specific functions users need, including channel, play, record, delete clip and modify clip.

As part of the NewsVision solution, AirSpeed Multi Stream provides local and regional broadcasters, and station bureaus with fast, high-quality ingest and playout support for an end-to-end HD workflow—in a single compact chassis. The NewsVision solution sets a new standard for price-performance in end-to-end digital news production by combining a set of integrated ingest, editing, storage, production and playout capabilities with a robust technical support, training and professional services package. For more information about NewsVision, please visit:

In addition, a new version of complementary news playout automation system, iNEWS Command (2.7) was also released, with full support for AirSpeed Multi Stream (1.6) features, as well as support for sub-clipping, for VDCP control of EVS XT[2] and XS video servers, and for the Chyron LUCI iNEWS plug-in.


AirSpeed Multi Stream 1.6 is available now in four models, including SD ($30,000 USD), DNxHD ($38,000), MPEG-2HD ($55,000) and AVC-Intra ($55,000). Avid NewsVision is available for $136,500 USD. For more information, please visit

About Avid

Avid creates the digital audio and video technology used to make the most listened to, most watched and most loved media in the world – from the most prestigious and award-winning feature films, music recordings, television shows, live concert tours and news broadcasts, to music and movies made at home. Some of Avid’s most influential and pioneering solutions include Media Composer®, Pro Tools®, Interplay®, ISIS®, VENUE, Oxygen 8, Sibelius®, System 5, and Pinnacle Studio™. For more information about Avid solutions and services, visit,, Flickr, Twitter and YouTube; connect with Avid on Facebook; or subscribe to Avid Industry Buzz.
