Small Tree Named Initial Platinum Sponsor for Atlanta Cutters

Walter Biscardi, founder and president of Biscardi Creative Media and one of the founding members of the Atlanta Cutters, today announced that Small Tree, a leading designer and manufacturer of Ethernet network shared storage, would serve as the initial platinum sponsor for the newly formed post-production group.

The primary objective of Atlanta Cutters, which is open to video editors, animators, sound designers and other local creative professionals, is to foster collaboration across the city's growing production community by focusing on the critical tools and workflows used within their craft.

"A lot of us in the creative industry are trying to do too much by ourselves - the one man band kind of thing - while there might be a really great animator or sound designer right in town who would be an invaluable resource for a project," Biscardi said. "Uniting professionals from different disciplines within the Atlanta community to improve the creative process is why Atlanta Cutters was formed."

The group's first meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, July 27 at Turner Studios, will revolve around the highly discussed release of Final Cut Pro X and feature presentations from Apple, Adobe, Avid and Autodesk.

"Atlanta is a major hub in the production community and a key market for Small Tree's continued growth," said Corky Seeber, president of Small Tree. "With an impressive line-up featuring industry leaders like Walter Biscardi, Dan Daube, Kris Merkel and Clay Asbury, Atlanta Cutters is sure to be a major influencer in what applications and products professionals should be using and how. For that reason, aligning ourselves with this group seemed not only logical, but also crucial."

Given the universal need for storage across the entire user group, Small Tree was an ideal candidate to serve as Atlanta Cutters' first platinum sponsor, according to Biscardi.

"No matter what application is being used, we all need reliable storage to work effectively and efficiently," Biscardi said. "Having recently installed Small Tree's GraniteSTOR ST-RAID II in my facility, I can say confidently to other user group members that the technology works with all of the tools used by creative professionals, whether it's Adobe, Avid or Apple."

Response to Atlanta Cutters has been phenomenal thus far. Since the recent announcement of its formation, registration for the initial meeting has been fast and furious, with limited space still available. The next meeting, focusing on storage and data archiving, has already been scheduled for August 24th and will be held at Turner Studios. Subsequent meeting dates and locations have not been set. To register, visit

For more information about Small Tree and its products, visit or follow Small Tree on Twitter @SmallTreeComm.