Quantel Pulls NAB Plug

Quantel announced this week that it would not be exhibiting at this year’s NAB Show. The company cited the worldwide economic slump as a key factor in making the decision to stay away from the April event.

"It’s not a decision that we’ve come to without a great deal of thought," said Quantel CEO Ray Cross. "However in the current general economic climate we quite simply can’t justify the $1 million plus investment that exhibiting at NAB would require. This year we’re being prudent; I’m sure our customers are too."

Quantel has been hosting a series of road shows during the past year and Cross said that this form of customer involvement had been well received, as it allowed the company to provide more individualized attention to participants.

"These initiatives will therefore continue to be at the forefront of our customer-facing activities over the coming months, in combination with the regular visits that our R&D, support, sales, marketing and management teams make to our users," Cross said. "Not going to NAB in this challenging year will allow R&D to focus fully on delivering for our customers. This year delivery, not marketing, comes first."