Communications Concepts Inc. Upgrades to Ross Vision Switcher

News Release

For Immediate Release

Iroquois, ON, Canada – August 25, 2009 – Communications Concepts Inc. (CCI) based in Cape Canaveral, Florida, upgrades to a Ross Vision 3 Multi-Definition Production Switcher for their new HD / SD mobile truck.

The mobile has been retrofitted to run in either HD or SD for small to medium live production events including new features, entertainment and sporting events. The mobile also supports side-by-side work for additional stations or networks or multi-language feeds at large events.

“We were faced with digital transition and there are only a few manufacturers and suppliers that could offer powerful yet affordable solutions, while also offering free software upgrades,” said Jim Lewis, President and General Manager, CCI. “The Ross Vision 3 QMD met our needs accepting up to 48 HD or SD inputs and providing rich macro, DVE, and animation feature sets. Vision’s flexibility made Ross the perfect choice.”

The Vision 3 at CCI is configured with 7 paths of Up/Down conversion as well as SD and HD output to meet the needs of any production.

“We’re happy that CCI looked to Ross for their Switcher needs. They have also organized an open training session to the freelance community in Florida, which was a big success.” said David Ross, CEO, Ross Video. “The success at CCI really underscores the continued growth of Ross Vision switchers in the mobile truck marketplace.”

About Ross Video

Ross Video designs, manufactures and supports a wide range of innovative products for use in live production applications in over 100 countries. Over the past 15 years Ross has grown an average of 20% year over year and currently employs 300 incredibly talented people. Ross’ award winning product line includes Vision, CrossOver, Octane and Synergy Multi-Definition Video Production Switchers, openGear, RossGear and GearLite Terminal Equipment, SoftMetal Video Servers, and the OverDrive Production Control System. News and information are available at


Ross Video Media Contact:

Sara Bell

Public Relations Coordinator

Tel: +1 613-652-3020

Fax: +1 613-652-4425
