TSL Professional Products introduces TallyMan Virtual Panel

TSL Professional Products launched the TallyMan VP (Virtual Panel) with touchscreen at the 2012 NAB Show.

Designed to simplify control of multiple router I/Os, the intuitive user interface is engineered to be more in tune with the needs of creative operators, thereby streamlining production workflow.

The TallyMan VP software-based control platform removes the need to install individual hardware panels each time a router is added, expanded or upgraded. It also can interface with any third-party router, video switcher or multi-viewer.

This provides a universal control for operators who don’t need to be aware of source paths or any complicated working parts that sit behind the buttons. The TallyMan VP also is straightforward to install for existing TallyMan users.

Well suited for news operations, sporting events and remote head-ends, the panel also allows users to switch equipment on and off remotely, while offering heightened security for positions with limited functionality.