Willow Creek Community Church Launches New Campus with Ross CrossOver Solo

News Release

For Immediate Release

Iroquois, ON, Canada – March 28, 2011 – Willow Creek Community Church prepares for their new campus launch in Huntley, IL with a Ross Video CrossOver 12 Solo compact production switcher.

Willow Creek chose the affordable Ross CrossOver Solo due to its ability to go HD in the future, as well as expandability for when their current campus moves locations or adds IMAG. Willow Creek goes on air with CrossOver Solo on April 3, 2011.

“We chose CrossOver Solo for many reasons, but mainly because we have already had positive experiences with Ross Video,” said Matthew Wentz Regional Technical Director, Willow Creek Community Church. “Our main campus in South Barrington, IL already has a Ross Synergy and Vision, so cross training and troubleshooting will be much easier than trying to figure out a new interface.”

“At Ross Video we appreciate customers like Willow Creek Community Church. They’ve been a loyal Ross customer throughout the progression of our switcher lineup, and have also become RossGear, openGear and Ross Router customers,” said Dave Westermann, Regional Sales Manager – Great Lakes Region, Ross Video. “The Willow Creek staff has been great to work with, and has given us valuable product feedback over the years. We look forward to continuing our relationship for many more years ahead.”

CrossOver Production Switchers

CrossOver is Ross’ line of single MLE production switchers designed for compact studios, outside broadcast vehicles, edit suites and flight packs. Compact, tough, and powerful, the CrossOver Series includes the CrossOver Solo, 12, and 16. Highlights of all switchers include internal up/down conversion, animation stores, UltraChrome Chroma keying, internal reference generators, 2D DVEs, and AI Memory recalls. The CrossOver Solo is a 12 input - single piece unit - that is incredibly easy on the budget, the 12 and 16 models are also budget friendly, but are two piece systems with a standalone 2RU chassis. The CrossOver 16 panel adds Macros, mnemonic indicators, and more.

About Ross Video

Ross Video designs, manufactures and supports a wide range of innovative products for use in live production applications. Ross’ award winning product line includes Vision, Vision Octane and CrossOver Video Production Switchers; openGear, RossGear and GearLite Terminal Equipment; SoftMetal Video Servers; OverDrive Production Control Systems, XPression Character Generators and NK Series Routing Systems. Ross products are installed in over 100 countries around the world, where they are used daily by top broadcasters, production companies, sports stadiums, government agencies and houses of worship. News and information are available at www.rossvideo.com.


Ross Video Media Contact:

Sara Bell

Media Relations Coordinator

T: +1 613-652-3020

M: +1 613-246-6691

F: +1 613-652-4425

E: sbell@rossvideo.com
