An evening with the photogs

Last night was the NAB Bash 2008. Broadcast Engineering includes the blog feeds on our BE-Roll industry blog aggregator from several of the photogs who were in attendance at the event. First I met Stewart Pittman, the Lenslinger himself. He introduced me to Kevin Johnson, founder of the community. Later, as Kevin stood at the front of the room raffling off prizes from the event sponsors, I met up with Stewart again and he introduced me to Chris Weaver, who writes the TV Photog Blog, and Rick Portier, who writes the Turdpolisher blog. Leslinger's Viewfinder BLUES and Chris' TV Photog Blog are both featured on the BE-Roll. Rick's very entertaining Turdpolisher is not currently included on the BE-Roll because of the colorful language Rick sometimes uses. But if you are not offended by four-letter words, it's a blog I recommend checking out.

Update: Check out this video from Kevin Johnson interviews Rick Portier, Stewart Pittman and Chris Weaver.