Input Media Outfits New HD Facility with Clear-Com Eclipse Omega Intercom

Longtime Clear-Com Customer Selects Eclipse Omega for Ease-of-Integration with Existing Panels

LONDON, UK, 19 JULY, 2010 - Clear-Com, a global leader in mission-critical voice communication systems, is pleased to announce that Input Media, the well-known UK sports production company and longtime Clear-Com customer, has installed a Clear-Com Eclipse Omega digital matrix intercom system at its London production centre. Input Media chose the 96-port Eclipse Omega frame to expand intercom communications to virtually all areas of its 24/7 operation, providing a substantially streamlined production workflow with room for expansion as communications needs increase.

The Eclipse Omega resides in Input Media's new central operations room, where it connects to ICS panels that were already situated throughout the facility. This allows workers in most areas of the building - including the edit suites, master playout room, ingest areas and audio control - to communicate with one another at any time. The remaining ports offer connectivity via 4-wire. Having the Clear-Com Eclipse Omega has greatly eased the communications process for Input Media's busy production teams, not only because the large number of ports lets many people talk on the system, but also because of its flexibility. The Eclipse Omega's LIVE update mode enables Input Media staff to update panel sources and destinations live on the system without breaking any active communication, adding to the overall efficiency of their workflow.

"Input Media thought it would make the most economic sense to retain the existing ICS panels and make them talk to the new Eclipse Omega frame, so what we did was effectively upgrade the mainframe," says Raz Khan, Project Manager for AVC. "Clear-Com's technical staff members were very helpful and knowledgeable when it came to conducting an inventory of the ICS panels to ensure they would be compatible with the Omega. Plus, the Input Media and AVC staff members were already familiar with Clear-Com products, which really added to the ease of migration. There were absolutely no problems on the day of the actual migration. It was a seamless process."

Input Media first considered Clear-Com's Eclipse Omega while planning for a facility upgrade to HD, which was completed in the third quarter of last year. A customer of Clear-Com equipment since first installing the Matrix+3, Input Media needed a matrix intercom with enough ports to support its increasing communications demands, and one that could also work with the existing ICS panels. Previously, Input Media's intercom setup comprised of a Clear-Com Eclipse PiCo linked with a Clear-Com E32 CPU and ICS panels.

"We are delighted that Input Media has chosen once again to rely on Clear-Com for its intercom communications needs, especially now that the facility is fully operating in HD," says Karlie Miles, Director of EMEA Sales, Clear-Com. "It speaks to the trust they have in Clear-Com to dependably offer not only the most cutting-edge intercom technology available, but also intercom technology that stands the test of time, growing and evolving with the facility's changing needs. We look forward to continuing the fruitful relationship between our two companies."