Avid seeks to listen more

Value is key to gaining customers says company

At a press breakfast Tuesday morning, Avid officials at times sounded contrite about the company’s previous behavior. Even so, to a person, they were always enthusiastic about the company’s future plans.

Our key is to “pay attention to customers”, said Kirk Arnold, Executive VP Customer Operations. Kirk has been busy reorganizing, rebranding and, in general, helping refocus the company on products and customers. The company is coming together with a one core theme, “Avid is Back. We’re a different company now”, said Arnold.

One of the most evident visuals of her effort is the new Avid logo, a purple conceptual display of the Avid letters using familiar graphical elements.

When asked where the opportunities lay for Avid, the answer described as four areas; in providing better integration of audio and video into a more efficient workflow, supplying Europe with good HD tools, supporting the developing new multi-distribution channels and support subscription-based cable channels.

Avid has been known as a sometimes more expensive solution. To that issue, Arnold replied, “It’s not our intent to compete on price. However, we will compete on value and value has many different forms.”

Avid is located in the South Upper hall, booth 902 (SU902)