EVS and Quantel present advanced production workflow integration

Open technology enables seamless file interchange

EVS and Quantel have announced advanced production workflow integration between the two companies' production systems. This has been made possible by the recent adoption of the Panasonic DVCPRO HD Codec by EVS, which is now natively supported by EVS production servers and by Quantel's new file system virtualisation technology. Integrated workflows featuring file interchange between the EVS XS server controlled by IPDirector and Quantel sQ production systems was demonstrated at the Quantel booth during IBC2009.

The recently released native support of the Panasonic DVCPRO HD codec by EVS enables its production servers, such as the XT[2] and the XS, to offer extended workflow capabilities and smoother content exchange with Quantel sQ production systems. The exchange between EVS and Quantel is based on MXF OP1A file transfer, which can be managed manually or automatically depending on the system configuration.

Seamless File Interchange Workflow

An EVS operator working on IPDirector production content management software can create clips on the XS server and make them instantly available on central storage (either EVS or Quantel). Technically the IPDirector writes an MXF OP1A file containing essence and an XML file containing metadata into the sQ server system. The media is then ready for editing on the Quantel sQ production system. EVS metadata, which are created by the IPDirector operator (logging, descriptive information, etc.) and associated with the clips, are imported and referenced in the Quantel database. The import of EVS clips and their associated metadata can be managed manually by the operator or automatically using an autoscan application.

Once created on the Quantel sQ production system, the media is instantly available for playout or can easily be moved back to the EVS XS server for playout. The Quantel operator exports the media as an MXF OP1A file on a central storage platform connected to EVS systems. The EVS XTAccess gateway application scans the folder and automatically imports the file to the EVS XS server. The media can be played out instantly and as soon as the transfer begins on the XS server.

Trevor Francis, Quantel Worldwide Marketing Manager (Broadcast), said, "Our focus is on making life easy for our customers. Smooth workflow between EVS and Quantel's complementary production platforms really helps. It's great that we've been able to base the interface on MXF and XML, both open industry standards."

Serge Comes, Media Product Manager: "EVS is always pushing to maximize the workflow integration with key technology partners. With our recent integration of DVCPRO HD codecs natively supported by our XS and XT[2] servers, we are taking a step further in this direction. We are pleased to offer new capabilities in terms of file exchange with Quantel production systems to our customers, and we are convinced that a smoother media exchange workflow with Quantel's systems will undoubtedly add value to EVS' instant tapeless technology."