AMV Takes Studer Console for Production Truck Ride

The Studer Vista 8
LODI, N.J.—All Mobile Video (AMV) is involved in a wide variety of productions, ranging from professional sporting events and internationally viewed awards shows to Metropolitan Opera live broadcasts. We also do live documentaries, corporate communication events and daily television broadcasts.

Our Titan truck is outfitted with a Studer Vista 8 digital live production console and this has provided a rather dramatic acceleration of our workflow. features a triple expando layout that opens out into a 66-foot long by 21-foot wide production area, allowing us to take on anything that comes along.

One of the key components of this mobile setup is our Studer Vista 8 audio console, a piece of equipment that you'd be hard pressed to beat sonically. However, it's the console's ergonomics that provide us with enormous value day in and day out.

For starters, this console is easy to use, and that's really important, as I don't have to sit down and train someone each time we go on the road. First-time operators are typically up and running on the console in no more than 10 to 15 minutes. That frees me up for more important things.

Also, the Vista 8's Vistonics user interface allows each engineer to create his or her own specialized console to fit the needs of each project.

A very good example of this is the pre-show for the "MTV Video Music Awards." This segment has a lot going on all the time. It requires a lot of mono and stereo inputs and is transmitted for broadcast in 5.1 surround sound, but also requires stereo downmixes. I can create any sort of configuration I need with the Vista 8, no matter what the show calls for. With the Vista 8, the audio goes where it has to, effortlessly.

In addition, the Vistonics user interface provides operators with a real "analog feel" and a clear and understandable display of all operating parameters. It lets you know the status of everything whenever you need it. The dynamics are color-coded on every layer—green is compression, red is EQ and yellow represents panning. If you can operate one fader, you can operate a hundred. It's really that simple.


The Vista 8 also gives us advanced functionality such as 7.1-channel surround-sound mixing capability, automation, dedicated mute groups along with a sophisticated snapshot system, all of which help me better perform my job every day.

Our Vista 8 has never given us any problems. And if there should ever be a problem with one of its faders, due to the console's "bucket" design and the Vistonics user interface, I can move to another fader instantly. However, the console has proven to be incredibly reliable, so I doubt if I'll ever have to use this capability, but it's good to know that it's there. The Vista 8 is really a fantastic console in every way. I'm glad that it's part of our business.

Ian Vysick is the audio development specialist at All Mobile Video and has been with the company for 12 years. He may be contacted at

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