Audemat-Aztec to introduce quality evaluation software for NAVIGATOR mobile TV measurement system at IBC2007

At IBC2007, Audemat-Aztec will present new quality evaluation software for its NAVIGATOR DVB mobile measurement unit, GOLDENEYE DVB. The company will also introduce a software and hardware update for the NAVIGATOR DVB.

Broadcasters can use the GOLDENEYE DVB to quantify a DVB-T/H signal on a scale of one to five. In addition, it allows audio and video recording so users can replay the campaign and listen to/see trouble spots. Available in two versions, the first gives two common quality indicators, and the second, available in December, will use the Audemat-Aztec algorithm for measurement. Existing NAVIGATOR DVB clients who purchase the first option will receive the December software release free.

The software and hardware updates for the NAVIGATOR DVB-T/H make the system compatible with the 4K mode.

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