BMS offers Unlimi-Tech Software FileCatalyst with TCII Media Router

Broadcast Microwave Services (BMS) is using the Unlimi-Tech Software FileCatalyst accelerated file transfer suite to increase file transfer speed across its TCII Media Router.

The BMS TCII Media Router, when paired with the BMS Truck-Coder II, provides high-speed IP communications over a unidirectional microwave radio link from electronic newsgathering (ENG) vans. A 3G broadband wireless modem is used as the return channel, which provides a low-speed constant network connection.

The TCII allows for file transfers using traditional methods such as FTP. With FTP, however, high round trip times and packet loss due to interference can cause transfers to run slowly and fail.

FileCatalyst offers accelerated performance with less than 1 percent overhead, on-the-fly compression and byte-level incremental transfers to achieve the optimal data transfer rate regardless of network impairments. With FileCatalyst, bottlenecks imposed on traditional file transfer methods are overcome.

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