Camera Corps Robotic Cameras Systems to Televise Wimbledon Action

LONDON—The Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships will use robotic cameras and control systems from Camera Corps for its 2013 coverage. Q-Ball remotely controlled pan/tilt/zoom/focus cameras, MiniShot remote pan/tilt heads with Hitachi DKH-100 cameras, long-range optical and electro-optical video/audio links, joystick control panels and RCP remote camera control panels are being installed for the event.

“Our involvement with the Lawn Tennis Championships has increased steadily year on year since we first provided MiniShot robotic pan/tilt heads and cameras in comcam roles 2003,” said Equipment Manager Neil Ashworth. “The cameras and supporting equipment have become much more compact over the past decade. Q-Ball heads will be used this year to televise the commentators. MiniShots will be installed in the players’ lounge to cover the action between games. Venue-wide images will be sourced from HotShot heads mounted on and above the canopy. The entire production is in digital high-definition, so we have installed a combination of single-mode optical and Simply SMPTE dual-mode electro-optical long-range links between the cameras and the control areas.”

The Wimbledon tennis tournament has been held at the All England Club in southwest London since 1877 and is one of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments and the only event of its type still played on grass. The tournament takes place over two weeks in late June and early July, culminating with singles finals. Each year, five major events are contested, as well as four junior events and four invitational events.