Clear-Com to Present HME DX210, Tempest900

Clear Com's HME DX210 system
Clear-Com will introduce the HME DX210 and Tempest900 digital wireless intercoms at the NAB Show. The company will also show the Eclipse Digital Matrix System Version 5.2.

HME DX210, the newest member of the HME DX Series family, is available in a single or two-channel wireless intercom configuration. The DX210 supports up to 16 full-duplex and 44 half-duplex beltpacks and/or wireless headsets by linking four base stations. One of the new features is digital auto-nulling, which allows users to easily null two-wire connections and eliminate echo automatically.

Clear-Com will also debut the Tempest900 900 MHz digital wireless intercom. The Tempest900 comes in two- and four-channel versions. It operates in the 902 to 928 MHz frequency range. The 900 MHz technology offers an RF signal loss of roughly two-and-a-half to three times less than when using 2.4 GHZ-based technologies.

The company will also highlight Eclipse Version 5.2, the latest version of Eclipse digital matrix intercom, with its Eclipse Configuration Software now including automated setup of intercom communications and a simplified graphical user interface. Also, Clear-Com has transitioned its entire V-Series panel and desktop models from blue to yellow OLEDs displays for more legibility while working in dim locations as well as enhancing visibility in bright sunlight.

Clear-Com will also demonstrate its HelixNet Partyline intercom, including the HMS-4X Main Station and HBP-2X Belpacks.

Clear-Com will be at Booth C6647.