Dalet AmberFin Adds Dolby Vision and Socionext Acceleration Tools

PARIS—New software and hardware updates accompany the latest version of the Dalet AmberFin media processing platform, highlighted by the inclusion of Dolby Vision technologies and hardware acceleration tools from providers like Socionext.

Version now has automated Dolby Vision mastering and distribution workflows that generate outputs from IMF, through broadcast, cable and satellite packages to OTT HLS and DASH bundles. There is also an integrated BPMN-compliant workflow engine and API for administrators to configure user interfaces, assign tasks and push through ad-hoc QC processes.

File outputs with the Dalet AmberFin can vary in packaging sophistication, from MP4s to IMF packages that are automatically synthesized from collections of input files and automation instructions.

Additional features include the M820L HEVC encoder plugin card from Socionext and integration with the Dalet Galaxy MAM platform. The system is capable of software-only, cloud-friendly frame rate conversion and interlace handling.

Dalet AmberFin v11.8.2.0 is now available to all existing customers on a support contract. For more information visit Dalet’s website.