Discreet launches SAN solution for non-compressed HD film, TV post-production

Discreet has launched the stone shared storage system, a high-bandwidth, fully scalable, real-time, storage-area network (SAN) for high-quality, non-compressed film and television post-production.

The new storage system scales to provide multi-user collaboration with simultaneous access to multiple, uncompressed, 4K, 2K, HD and SD projects from a single storage location within the facility.

Based on the SGI InfiniteStorage Shared Filesystem CXFS and DataDirect Networks’ Storage Networking System, the stone shared system will be branded, sold and distributed by Discreet under its OEM relationship with SGI.

The stone shared storage system disk arrays are based on Fibre Channel disk technology, combining extremely fast read/writer speeds, low latency, RAID data integrity, and high I/O bandwidth to deliver large-scale connectivity to multiple high-definition workstations.

Standard configurations for stone shared storage system range from 5- to 20TB, but can be customized to provide far higher capacities with Discreet and SGI professional services.

For more information, visit www.discreet.com.

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