DTAGS Revolutionizes Remote HD Operations

Tandberg Television's E5782 MPEG-2 HD/SD encoderBIXBY, OKLA.
Digital Transport Agnostic Gateway Solutions, or DTAGS, understands that the common goal in the broadcast industry today is to deliver a complete high-definition experience. As broadcast content migrates to various HDTV formats, it's essential for media content owners to choose encoding services featuring maximum flexibility and the highest quality of service and reliability.

Two common problems facing the broadcast industry have been the lack of standardization and the inability to monitor the overall high-definition encoding/transmission/decoding chain.

We also know that across-the-board consistency and reliability from event to event, regardless of location or transmission mechanism are critical factors in the chain, whether broadcasters are transmitting in 720p, 1080i or 480i, and via fiber or satellite paths.


Reliability in this industry is based on two main factors. The first is the overall quality of the equipment selected and the level of maintenance that it receives. The second is the experience and technical knowledge of the equipment operator. If the equipment doesn't process audio and video correctly the chance of losing a captive audience increases.

A typical live event production involves multiple cameras. If a single camera goes down, the option to switch to different camera is readily available. On the other hand, in most cases the overall production content rides on a single transport stream when it leaves the venue. If the transmission equipment isn't reliable, or isn't operated by a knowledgeable engineer, then the entire production is at risk.

Our search for quality and reliability led us to Tandberg Television, a leading supplier of encoding equipment for the broadcast industry. Tandberg strives to make technical improvements and has seen first-hand the challenges that broadcasters face. Their products are user friendly, support multiple configurations and are open-standards based.

For our applications we chose their E5782 and E5788 HD/SD encoders, along with TT1282, RX1290 and TT1260 decoders. These support ASI, DVB-S2, QPSK, and 8-PSK. We also use the company's MX5210 multiplexers and SM6600 satellite modulators. The variety of features supported by this Tandberg gear allows us to accommodate multiple broadcast transmission needs.


We've assembled our gear in fly-away configurations, with each of these addressing complete redundancy. These can be operated inside production trucks or wherever there's a transport requirement. We ship them all around the world.

When you realize the impact HD has, especially on sports coverage, you really want to be a part of that. DTAGS is there to support the growing number of broadcasters and teams that bring the HD experience to viewers worldwide. We offer solutions that address specific remote production challenges and provide our customers with improved monitoring capabilities and control over the transmission process.

With Tandberg Television equipment, we're revolutionizing remote HD operations. In addition to addressing encoding and decoding requirements, we also offer consulting services to improve the overall transmission and maximize bandwidth efficiency.

When broadcasters select DTAGS they count on us for a system that provides scalability and portability, along with consistency and a high level of expertise from our on-site engineers. Our investment in Tandberg Television equipment has certainly played a part in helping us achieve this quality of service and reliability.

Mike Burk is the president and founder of DTAGS. He may be contacted atmike.burk@dtags.tv.

For additional information, contact Tandberg Television at 678-812-6209 or visitwww.tandbergtv.com.