EchoStar unveils ViP-TV content transport service

EchoStar has introduced the ViP-TV content transport service offering more than 300 channels of MPEG-4 H.264 TV and radio delivered via satellite.

IPTV operators, using the new program aggregation and distribution service, receive two satellite antennas and 1.5 racks of receive equipment from EchoStar. One antenna points to EchoStar XVI to download national and international programming. The other, a small DBS antenna, receives local broadcast channels for the operator’s DMA.

Besides the audio programming ViP-TV includes SD and HD programming, encoded as MPEG-4 and H.264, respectively, at EchoStar’s Gilbert, AZ, broadcast facility. The encoded programs are then encapsulated in IP packets and encrypted for broadcast security before being transmitted to operators via satellite.

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