EEG Releases Scribe Closed Captioning Suite on AWS

FARMINGDALE, N.Y.—EEG customers can now access the company’s Scribe Pro Captioning suite on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This closed captioning suite allows for the creation of professional captions without acquiring additional software, but rather with hourly pricing.

The Scribe Pro Captioning suite provides features like reduced-speed playback, batch time shifting, and frame-accurate jog editing. The suite can be launched on-demand through AWS Marketplace as a virtual machine image and operated through a standard remote desktop connection. Users of the captioning service on AWS can pay for a specific amount of time to use the service, whether it be an hour, day, week or more.

The Scribe virtual machines launched in AWS Marketplace also include EEG’s CCPlay FilePro software for embedding closed caption data in master video formats like MPEG transport streams and MXF. Additional integration from the Scribe software menus provides access to the EEG Cloud network for access to proxy video assets, as well as automated FCC caption quality checking.