EVS Unveils X-One Live Production System

LIÈGE, BELGIUM—EVS has introduced a new product to its line of live production systems, the X-One all-in-one toolset. The X-One is capable of handling live productions that require six cameras or less. Built with EVS’ software-defined technology, a single operator can control the production from the system’s touchscreen.

The X-One allows for the ingest of six camera feeds, as well as for the media import of any other files, which operators use to create replays, control audio, cut together a live feed with the built-in video switcher and add graphics to live programming that is output in broadcast-standard quality.

The system’s user interface features different interfaces for different events, highlighting specific features and removing unnecessary ones. The dedicated UIs are available on the EVS cloud and can be downloaded and installed ahead of a production.

X-One supports AIMS-compliant uncompressed IP ST 2110 feeds and assists production operators with functions that can be deployed through apps and plugins. X-One’s architecture can be configured to expand in inputs/outputs, as well as deliver UHD-4K formats.

EVS will release the X-One at the end of 2017, with additional software upgrades expected in Q1 2018.