Front Porch Digital to feature new DIVApublish mpx online publishing tool

At IBC2011, Front Porch Digital will launch its DIVApublish mpx online publishing tool, which leverages content through an integrated workflow to deliver media in a simple, streamlined fashion.

DIVApublish mpx distributes content to myriad locations and devices while maximizing marketing results through integration with partners in adware, syndication, analytics and content delivery. This integrated results-based distribution allows content owners to make critical decisions in selection and placement and grow their audience in new media channels.

DIVApublish mpx is fully integrated with Front Porch Digital's DIVArchive and DIVAdirector content storage management (CSM) systems, safely and securely extending the digital file-based workflow beyond the enterprise and into distribution channels.

The company also will feature the SAMMAsolo HD migration solution, which delivers real-time, quality-controlled migration of content from HD videotape into a secure managed digital environment that both supports preservation and facilitates access.

See Front Porch Digital at IBC2011 Stand 7.C16.