Gefen Upgrades DVI and HDMI Switchers, Splitters

Gefen recently upgraded its DVI and HDMI switchers and splitters.

The HDTV switcher, 4 x 1 HDTV switcher and HDTV splitter products were reengineered to handle connectivity issues between new DVD players and set-top boxes with DVI or HDML ports and HDTV displays with HDMI inputs.

The new products are the HDMI switcher, the 4 x 1 HDMI switcher and the 1:2 HDMI splitter.

Gefen also repurposed some of the HDTV switchers and now offers the mini DVI switcher, the 4 x 1 DVI switcher and the mini DVI splitter.

"HDMI is rapidly gaining momentum in the consumer-based HDTV arena," said Hagai Gefen, president of the Woodland Hills, Calif.-based company.