IBC to Honor Apple Founder Steve Wozniak

Apple Computers co-founder Steve Wozniak will receive the International Award for Excellence at IBC2007.

According to the IBC announcement, “The two ‘Steves’ who founded Apple Computers changed the face of the media industry forever. They built the original Apple computers first in Jobs’ bedroom, only moving to the garage when the production runs got bigger. Income from that first computer gave Woz and Jobs the cash to develop the Apple II, which is where the revolution really began.”

“I threw in high resolution graphics,” Wozniak is quoted as saying. “It was only two chips. I didn’t know if people would use it.” As a result, a computer for the first time could display pictures instead of just letters—and the revolution began.

The award will be presented to Wozniak on Friday morning, Sept. 7 at 11.30 a.m. in the Forum during the conference session, ‘The Next 40 Years: Surviving the Challenge or Grasping the Opportunity?” Woz will be interviewed by Ray Snoddy in a session that also includes the IBC keynote address from Gary Shapiro of the Consumer Electronics Association. While this session is part of Friday’s theme day program, all IBC visitors are “warmly invited to attend.”