Imagine Boosts Ad Insertion Technology

DALLAS—In an effort to expand its xG Ad Insertion for Multiscreen (AIM) system, Imagine Communications has announced that it added Placement Opportunity Information Service (POIS), Ad Decision Router (ADR), and Ad Decision Service (ADS) software-based modules. These additions boost the ad insertion capabilities of Imagine’s advertising management systems, according to Imagine.

POIS works with the xG AIM manifest manipulator and third-party ad insertion systems to identify linear ad positions, alternate content events, slates and blackouts; it also provides attributes and constraints for placement opportunities. The module works with Imagine ADS and ADR to pre-fetch advertising placement opportunity information to spread the workload across large-scale operations.

The ADR modules manages ad decision request distribution across multiple ad decision services to support peak demand times and to place and distribute advertising. It also handles protocol translation and the routing of placement opportunity requests.

An ad-targeting tool, ADS creates opportunities for focusing ads at a national, regional or local level, as well as updating commercial messages to prevent them from becoming obsolete. The module supports individual or zone targeting for linear, on-demand or DVR. It can also make alternate content decisions for content blackouts or other program substitutions.

Imagine addresses multiplatform advertising with the CloudXtream Dynamic Ad Insertion platform, which is available now and can feature all the modules as a complete system, or individually. Imagine will show the systems at the upcoming NAB Show in Las Vegas.