Laird to Debut New NLE Router

At NAB2006, Mount Marion, N.Y.-based Laird Telemedia will showcase its latest router, the LTM-ER4HD. Designed for NLE systems, the LTM-ER4HD allows the controller to switch and control up to four external digital or analog video devices to and from a nonlinear editing system or post-production switcher.

The LTM-ER4HD allows users to select audio, video, or RS422 independently to or from the nonlinear editing system and built-in 1:1 machine-to-machine override for dubbing functions. It supports HD, SDI, component, YC, and composite video, along with AES/EBU digital or balanced analog audio signals.

"The LTM-ER4HD can greatly simplify the post-production process," said Nigel Redman, vice president of engineering at Laird. "By allowing post-production and other professionals to switch and control up to four external digital or analog video devices to the NLE or post switcher, in all major formats, it saves an enormous amount of time and machine wear and tear, which translates to money saved during this process."

The LTM-ER4HD features 1 GHz bandwidth, is housed in a 3 RU EIA rack-mount unit and works in PAL or NTSC. The LTM-ER4HD is based on Laird's LTM-ER4 analog nonlinear editing router introduced in 1998.

Laird Telemedia will be in Booth SL3769.