Mo-Sys Tracking Tech Can Add Virtual Fans to Sports

(Image credit: Mo-Sys)

LONDON—Empty sports stadiums is the current reality because of the coronavirus pandemic, but Mo-Sys Engineering has introduced some new technology that it says will fill the stands during sports broadcasts with live virtual fans.

Mo-Sys has developed camera tracking technology that provides precise, zero-latency tracking and can interface directly with an Unreal Engine (or any broadcast render engine) to put virtual fans in the empty seats.

The camera tracking encoders can be mounted onto broadcast standard Vinten Vector heads without impacting the camera’s balance or experiencing backlash while panning or tilting, Mo-Sys says. Zoom data is collected either by gear encoders or by a serial data link to digital lenses. The combined tracking data is then sent over Ethernet to the workstation hosting the augmented reality software.

Working with Epic Games, Mo-Sys has created an interface to the Unreal Engine that supports the latest software version, 4.25.

The kit includes the bolt-on encoding kit for Vinten heads and the lens calibration tools.

Mo-Sys will demonstrate the kit’s capabilities during a webinar on June 30. Registration is available online.