New Era of Film Conversion Begins at Henninger

Henninger Media Services, a production and post-production business with facilities in Washington, D.C. and Arlington, Va., has announced the arrival of the first Thomson Spirit Datacine film transfer system in the Washington area.

"Putting a state-of-the-art HD transfer machine into the hands of our world class colorists allows Henninger to offer our clients the best film transfer services available," said Robert Henninger, president of Henninger Media Services. "It gives the many business and government offices in the Washington area an opportunity to enhance pre-existing libraries into the extraordinary qualities of HD."

The unit is coupled with a Da Vinci 2K multiresolution image processor to provide advanced HD color grading. The Spirit allows transfer of film at both 24 and 30 fps and in NTSC or PAL formats.

Concurrent with the installation of the Spirit film transfer system, Henninger has added second Da Vinci 2k suite for color correction to their Arlington facility.