NTC Holds Content Production Theme Day at IBC

National TeleConsultants, a provider of strategic technology consulting and engineering design services for the media industry, will produce a Content Production Theme Day at IBC2006 on Sunday, Sept. 10. NTC executives will chair a major technical session, and present two key papers.

Content Production is one of several themes highlighted in IBC's conference program this year. Headlined as the "World of Content Creation, Management, and Delivery," IBC2006's conference program will focus on a wide range of key technical and business issues in the entertainment production and delivery industries.

"With more ways for consumers to view and use content (video and/or audio programs) than ever before, there are more issues involved in creating that content than ever before," said NTC Vice President Edward P. Hobson. "The Content Production Theme Day will examine such areas as production tools and workflow, delivery to new media devices, standards, rights management, and even cultural issues."

Kicking off the day, from 9:30 to 11 a.m., NTC Co-Founder and Managing Partner Chuck Phelan will chair the special IBC papers session titled "Producing Content for Multiple Distribution Channels." The session will provide concrete examples of how program content can best be acquired, edited, and released for multiple distribution methods as part of a business that drives content to the consumer.

NTC Principal Consultant Eric F. Pohl will be among the six industry experts presenting papers during this Content Production Session. Pohl said the purpose of his presentation is to raise awareness among program-production professionals of the constraints of alternative media-delivery devices.

"What may look great on a big-screen HDTV may not play at all well on a cell phone's tiny display. And what happens to 5.1-channel surround sound when it's compressed into a monaural podcast? It is important that such factors are calculated into the front-end of the production process, so content is configured appropriately, as opposed to merely repurposing traditional video programming," said Pohl.

Also part of the Content Production Theme Day will be a session titled "Workflow: The Keystone for Efficient Content Production," from 4 to 5:30 p.m. and chaired by Adrian Scott, director and chief marketing officer at Pro-Bel. NTC will contribute its expertise to this session in a paper presented by John Footen, director of Software Systems Engineering at NTC.