Pinnacle to show graphics, editing, delivery systems aimed at HD transition

Pinnacle Liquid version 6.1 offers an advanced real-time HD/SD video editing system.

Pinnacle Systems will demonstrate new graphics, editing and content delivery systems at NAB2005.

New broadcast products include:

  • Deko 1000/Hybrid and Deko 3000/Hybrid - Two new dual-format Deko real-time graphics systems that can switch between native SD and native HD graphics processing and output.
  • Deko version 4 - A Deko family software upgrade.
  • Liquid version 6.1 – An advanced real-time HD/SD video editing system.
  • DekoCast Hybrid – A native HD/SD switchable version of the automated edge graphics system.
  • MediaStream – The new version supports up to 32 audio channels per video clip.

Pinnacle also will preview Thunder HD. It features native MPEG-2 HD MXF storage, two channels with independent key and the full set of Thunder capabilities, including MOS.

For more information, visit booth SU6341 or go to

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