Quantum Releases StorNext 5.4

SAN JOSE, CALIF.—A new update of the StorNext platform from Quantuam, version 5.4, has been officially launched. StorNext 5.4 brings new enhancements to the workflow storage platform that includes the ability to integrate existing public cloud storage accounts and third-party object storage (private cloud), and the ability to deploy applications embedded within StorNext-powered Xcellis workflow storage applications.

The updated StorNext 5.4 offers automated, policy-based movement of content into and out of users’ existing public and private clouds, while maintaining the visibility and access that storage system provides. The integration of private and public clouds also encompasses primary disk and storage tiers, offers full access to media stored in the cloud without additional hardware or software, and extends versioning across sites and the cloud. This private-public cloud integration also enables the ability to leverage integrated cloud-transfer acceleration, as well as a selection of third-party WAN acceleration tools, and high-speed connectivity options for high-volume data transfers.

The StorNext 5.4 features a Dynamic Application Environment (DAE) capability enables applications to run inside the platform’s Xcellis Workflow Director, allowing users to leverage converged storage architecture. The DAE supports embedded applications in self-contained virtual machines, with a hypervisor allocating resources to guarantee both storage and application performance. DAE supports both Windows and Linux virtual machines, providing application flexibility and compatibility to the storage environment.

New connectivity options to the Xcellis are also part of the update, including quad 16Gb fiber channel and dual 4Gb Ethernet. Additional enhancements include new NAS capabilities, support for flash-based metadata controllers, improved monitoring and reporting, and automated over-the-air upgrades. Quantum has also refined its StorNext Connect management tools with an app-based framework that facilitates the independent installation, operation and updating of individual components while they are online.

Quantum is now offering the StorNext 5.4 with all newly purchased Xcellis, StorNext M-Series and StorNext Pro Solutions, as well as Artico archive appliances. Current StorNext 5 users can upgrade for free.