SNS Upgrades to EVO OS v5.8 Shared Storage Server

LONDON—Studio Network Solutions has announced an upgrade to its EVO shared storage with the unveiling of EVO OS v5.8 and ShareBrowser v4.3. Upgrades will feature enhanced networking capabilities, new features for Final Cut Pro X and server-side indexing and transcoding.

EVO’s networking capabilities have been extended as part of the upgrade with the addition of Virtual Switch. The Virtual Switch enables EVO’s Ethernet ports to function as an Ethernet switch to allow connected workstations to communicate with EVO while maintaining communication paths to other connected workstations and external network shares/devices.

The upgrade also provides exclusive Final Cut Pro X features. Among them is a sharing and project locking system that boosts workgroup collaboration while maintaining individual Final Cut Pro X libraries on EVO’s network shares.

EVO-side transcoding and EVO-side indexing are preview to two new features available as part of the upgrade. The features allow for EVO to be a self-contained proxy transcoder and indexing engine for the assets within the storage system.

EVO ShareBrowser is a unified file/project/asset management software for Windows and OS X that allows EVO users to comment, search, tag, preview proxies and verify file transfers across EVO storage as well as local, offline, cloud and other network shares. The companion version of ShareBrowser receives many UI refinements, in addition to new features for FCPX users.

SNS will begin shipping EVO OS v5.8 in March and can be ordered in 4bay, 8bay and 16bay configurations.