Sony Intros Compact 5U Tape Library

Sony Electronics has combined its high-capacity SAIT storage format with hands-free automation to launch a new SAIT mini library.

The library houses up to two SAIT-1 tape drives with up to 20 high-capacity SAIT cartridges in a 5U rack-mountable configuration. The SAIT mini-library includes write once, read many (WORM) functionality and offers a password-protected electromagnetic lock and mechanical key lock for each unit. Users have the option of using its front display panel or Web-enabled interface.

Add-on options include cartridge magazines, mounting kits for rack configurations and an SAIT-1 drive that can also be integrated for more performance enhancement. The system comes with Ultra SCSI connection, but is also compatible with fibre channel networks with a SCSI/FC bridge.

Sony held its first public demos of the new tape library at the Storage World Conference in Long Beach, Calif. this week.