Telestream FlipFactory Integrates Philips Watermarking

Telestream has integrated Philips forensic watermarking technology into its latest FlipFactory version 5.0 transcoding automation software applications. The combination allows video content owners to automatically protect their materials against unauthorized copying by watermarking all its files.

FlipFactory automatically converts and transfers digital media files between professional formats and systems in IT-based video environments. The addition of the Philips watermarking option is meant to support the fight against piracy by helping content owners and service providers identify and control the problem of illegal copying.

With Philips watermarking, illegal copies can be traced back to the specific source, since unique date, time and identifier watermarks are embedded into the picture and sound of the original video. When these watermarks are created in FlipFactory they remain detectable even if the pirates' retranscode the watermarked files into formats such as VCD, DivX, and MPEG-4.

"In the fight against piracy the video industry wants to watermark all its content, in every format and stage, from production to delivery," said Ronald Maandonks, CEO of Philips Content Identification. "By integrating Philips technology into standard video production workflows, like Telestream's FlipFactory, watermarking becomes common practice for the content industry."