UK’s Channel 4 installs Custom Consoles for transmission control

Custom Consoles has completed the production and installation of a large transmission control desk at Channel 4 Television’s Westminster headquarters. Built to the network’s specification, the desk is almost 15.5ft in width. Representing the company’s eighth Custom
Consoles desk, it incorporates six 19in bays plus additional worksurface and storage facilities at each end.

Channel 4 replaced monitor stacks with projectors in its playout control room and took the opportunity to rethink the desk, said Robert Luggar, manager of engineering projects at Channel 4.

The new desk can be used by three operators simultaneously and enables everything to be housed in a single unit. This includes three 19in LCD touchscreen control surfaces within easy reach of each operator plus nine additional 19in screens on Ergotron mounts fitted in line along the rear of the desk. Three freestanding computer monitors are also accommodated on the horizontal work surface.

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