Vantrix braces for mobile video flood with new Bandwidth Optimizer

Mobile data traffic is expected to grow exponentially in the next few years, mostly due to video. For operators, that means managing 50 to 100 times more video traffic on their networks. Vantrix takes aim at this problem with its new Vantrix Bandwidth Optimizer, a media optimization and bandwidth management service for mobile, Web (PC) or DTV that enables operators to capitalize on the growing mobile data tsunami by saving as much as 50 percent in data delivery CAPEX and OPEX.

Bandwidth Optimizer achieves this efficiency through various features, including bit rate throttling, that downloads video proportionally to the video encoding, in other words, not delivering what is not watched; deep media inspection, which targets HTTP streaming — the “fat head” of mobile video — using adaptive streaming techniques to modify the video bit rate on the fly by opening, decoding and re-encoding each RTSP stream to the actual frame rate/bit rate most suitable to the current network conditions; iPhone HTTP streaming, which encodes the source stream into multiple rates and, thereby, forces the iPhone to connect to the preferred rate; and smart caching, which stores not only the source media for popular content, but transcoded versions as well.