Vinten Radamec Launches New Control System for Fusion

Vinten Radamec has launched the Fusion FCS16, a compact control system that provides full touchscreen control for up to 16 cameras, compared to the standard nine, from one single panel unit.

The user interface is a Windows based 10.4-inch touchscreen that allows a single controller to be configured to operate up to 16 cameras and/or full x-y pedestals from any number of locations. Multiple controllers can be added to the network. The system is just as compact as its closest predecessor, the Shot Control Panel from Radamec, plus it can store up to 64,000 shots.

The Fusion FCS16 Control System can be teamed directly with companion Fusion products. The control system’s network architecture offers multi-user, multifacility control of robotic pedestals, heads and elevation units. Interconnection is via industry standard TCP/IP, RS232 and RS422 protocols.

Vinten Radamec is part of Camera Dynamics Inc., a Vitec Group company.