Vizrt Integrates Viz One With Final Cut Pro X and ProRes

BERGEN, NORWAY—Vizrt announced new integration between Viz One and Apple Final Cut Pro X software with Apple ProRes file formats. The new integration will allow Final Cut Pro editors to access media and metadata in Viz One from a web-based interface.

Viz One extends its file-based production workflow to include Apple Final Cut Pro and new Apple ProRes file formats; ProRes 4444 (including alpha), ProRes 422 (HQ), ProRes 422, ProRes 422 (LT), and ProRes 422 (Proxy). Adding media to a Final Cut Pro X project is now possible at the touch of a button, while sending a finished project back to Viz One is achieved by dragging and dropping content into Studio, the Viz One web application.

Film and HD originated content can also be stored in Viz One and maintained at the same quality as ProRes 444.