Vizrt unveils new plug-ins for Viz|Artist 3.0

Vizrt announced several enhancements to its Viz|Artist 3.0 design software, including RTT Advanced Materials plug-ins for photorealistic rendering of 3-D objects and materials, and Action Model from Media Seasons.

The RTT Advanced Materials plug-in shaders allow Vizrt users to visualize 3-D objects and surfaces in photorealistic quality.

The plug-in package provides Vizrt users with an extensive selection of materials, including carbon, lacquered wood, metal, glass and bump maps. The RTT shaders react to light sources, base textures, settings and materials specific to Viz|Artist 3.0, such as color, shine and opacity.

Vizrt has also added a new object type in Viz|Artist that lets users store complex material consisting of the basic color settings, textures and shaders into the Viz|Artist database.

Action Model is a plug-in that's designed to animate complex 3-D models and characters, such as animated football players and horses in motion.

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