Worldnow releases enhanced closed captioning systems

Worldnow, an online technology, content and revenue-systems company for local media, announced that it will be begin releasing the first of several enhanced Closed Captioning (CC) digital solutions to its clients. This first release is for desktop users and is for videos on demand.

This system is complete and end-to-end. Users will be able to do more than choose font sizes; they can choose a font type, style and color. Moreover, clients will have the flexibility to choose the background color including the opacity. Users will even have the ability to choose where to position the captioning.

In 2010, the FCC had mandated nine initial requirements detailing how CC should and must be customized by Jan. 1, 2014. As of today, three of the those nine items are not yet standardized in the industry but Worldnow has them. Those critical three are:

  • Font style;
  • Window color;
  • How the caption appears on the screen.

Because this is a Worldnow system, clients do not need to worry about any third-party integrations. In the coming weeks, Worldnow will be releasing support for livestream and VOD customizations across mobile devices as well. This is all part of a new mobile player platform.