Bangladesh 24-hour news startup adds ENPS

Somoy TV, a soon-to-launch 24-hour news channel in Bangladesh, is adding the AP’s Essential News Production System (ENPS) to manage its broadcast content.

A number of people from Somoy’s technical management team are formerly of Desh TV in Dhaka, which has used ENPS for two years, where they gained firsthand experience with ENPS.

In the Somoy newsroom, ENPS will run alongside a Quantel Enterprise sQ server with Quantel sQ View, Cut and Edit editors and Apple Final Cut Pro for craft editing. News automation will be provided by OmniBus Columbus, Vizrt will provide the graphics system and Autoscript will provide prompting.

Somoy joins a list of nearly 20 ENPS users in South Asia, including India’s Doordarshan and Delhi-based Sahara TV.