BBC to launch new local news service with help from All New Video

The British Broadcasting Corp. plans to take advantage of video cell phone technology to help create a new news service with the help of mobile video specialist All New Video.

Using 3G mobile telephones, BBC reporters will make video calls to their news studio to submit reports of breaking news events in real time.

The service, which will use All New Video's carrier class network to provide two-way video calls between 3G mobile, ISDN and IP networks, is based on Radvision technology.

BBC Director-General Mark Thompson said the new news service would be tested this fall in five areas of the U.K. The new local news will service will use the latest acquisition and editing technologies to build 10-minute local news segments viewers can activate interactively. It will be available via digital satellite, cable and broadband and possibly on handsets.

If successful the service ultimately could extend to 60 locations.

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