BeckTV Constructs Video Control Rooms for Missouri Athletics

AUSTIN, TEXAS – BeckTV earned some extra credit from the University of Missouri after it designed and built two video control rooms for Mizzou Athletics, rather just one as initially planned. With its two new control rooms, Mizzou Athletics can support scoreboard video production and live, campus wide production of collegiate sport events for broadcast on the Big XII cable channel and for streaming on the conference’s online platform.

Video control room for Mizzou Athletics at the University of Missour in Columbia, Mo.

After remodeling space in Mizzou Arena to house a primary control room, secondary control room, audio control room and an equipment room, Mizzou Athletics now can provide production for venues across campus. BeckTV used newly laid fiber-optic cabling to connect the control rooms with volleyball, gymnastics, wrestling, baseball, softball, football, track and field, and soccer facilities. Equipment for the new control rooms include an Evertz router, multiview processing and support gear; Panasonic cameras; Ross production switchers and Xpression graphics; Abekas Mira replay units; Click Effects CrossFire; a Yamaha mixer; and AJA support gear.

With two control rooms, Mizzou Athletics’ broadcast operations department can simultaneously produce multiple live shows, or produce a live show while also managing scoreboard video. In addition, fiber connections to offices in Bristol, Conn., and Charlotte, N.C., allow Mizzou fans to access the production at any time.

BeckTV is a design-build systems integrator based in Austin, Texas.