Diskeeper releases intelligent real-time defragmenter

Diskeeper has launched Diskeeper 2008, an automated performance enhancement defragmenter. New features include the ability to defrag in the most extreme levels of low free space or the highest levels of crippling file fragmentation. Intelligent defrag dynamically chooses which software engine will net the most performance gains on a given system or environment. This is all done completely transparently, in real time, tapping the full power of otherwise unused idle resources with background processing technology called InvisiTasking.

Diskeeper 2008 also contains a new defragmentation engine that can restore performance and reliability on systems with as little as 1 percent of free space available (usually 15 percent of free disk space is necessary for defragmantation). New engines also handle crippling levels of file fragmentation numbering in the millions, as seen at large enterprise sites with massive server traffic.

Diskeeper 2008 dynamically chooses the most effective software engine to net performance gains on that system, which also takes place automatically, in real time.

For more information, http://www.diskeeper.com.