DNF Controls GTP-32 delivers GPI tally processing

The DNF Controls GTP-32 GPI Tally Processor provides powerful, compact, multitasking GPI tally processing, routing, distribution and combining.

The GTP-32 provides an interface between dissimilar equipment, offers long- or short-distance GPI/GPO transport, acts as an alternative to running multiconductor cables, provides complex signal processing/conditioning and provides GPI and tally routing. The GTP-32 can be configured from any PC using a Web browser-friendly configuration tool.

The tally processor can replace custom one-offs with an off-the-shelf product. The GTP-32 offers a 1RU rack-mountable housing with 32 two-wire optically isolated inputs and 32 two-wire contact closure outputs to ensure fast, safe connections.

For more information, visit: www.dnfcontrols.com.