From Tapes to Bits: The changing landscape of broadcasting

From Tapes to Bits
The changing landscape of broadcasting

On Demand WebinarOriginal Broadcast Date: October 11, 2006
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The media and entertainment industry is experiencing unprecedented change as they transition from analog to digital production. But how does a broadcaster manage their growing media storage needs? How can they handle the tremendously increased volume of high-definition materials. There are options: disk- or server-based storage systems, versus tape-based systems. Whereas disks or server storage may be the right choice for content that needs to be accessed often, tape-based systems are more efficient and cost-effective for near-line or off-line storage. In addition, with tape, there is virtually infinite scalability as more tapes can be added at any time to increase storage capacity.

This webinar will discuss the intersection of IT technology and broadcasting. Attendees will learn:

  • How standards-based IT technology is changing the way broadcasting gets done
  • How IBM and Fox Broadcasting have co-designed a high-definition digital archive to support live broadcasts
  • Can high-definition content fit in the space of standard definition, and at similar costs?
  • Differences among LTO manufacturer's tape drive offering

Our panel includes:.

Steve Canepa
Communications Sector Vice President
IBM Sales & Distribution

Lee Jesionowski
Senior Technical Staff Member
IBM Systems and Technology Group

John Hoehn
Senior Consultant
IBM Global Business Services
Bruce Master
Senior Program Manager
IBM Systems and Technology Group
John Luff
Writer and Consultant
Broadcast Engineering

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