Front Porch Digital powers disaster recovery solution

Front Porch Digital has announced that Ericsson will use Front Porch Digital's LYNX cloud-based disaster recovery (DR) and long-term asset storage service as the foundation of its cost-effective disaster playout recovery solution. The solution will make it possible for any broadcaster to afford a redundant broadcasting system.

The LYNX service provides all the features of a physical content storage management (CSM) system without the infrastructure investment. Broadcasters can duplicate their existing content within LYNX and retrieve it from Ericsson's playout systems. That way, should disaster strike, they have a turnkey disaster recovery solution for the immediate retrieval and playout of their assets.

The solution will combine the LYNX cloud-based storage service with Ericsson's disaster recovery playout platform. Because of LYNX, multiple customers will be able to share the standardized recovery platform, thereby reducing the cost significantly for each customer.

LYNX can ingest content from tape or as file-based media, and customers can either manage ingest and restore processes manually from supplied software, or automate the processes in order to turn ingest and restore into invisible and seamless background tasks. LYNX provides inexpensive offsite replication of the content library with a dashboard view of the stored assets.