Inscriber pursues HD strategy with on-air graphics offerings

Inscriber has launched a complete new line of HD graphics solutions to support broadcasters planning their HD transition.

The solution includes:

  • Inca Studio HD, master control graphics solutions: combines logo, multiple real-time data crawls and unlimited layering to maximize viewer impact and retention;
  • Inca Station HD, real-time 2-D/3-D broadcast graphics platform: delivers unmatched graphic sophistication, composition and playback through a comprehensive suite of design tools;
  • Inca RTX HD, networked graphics/automation: produces real-time 2-D/3-D graphics, video and clips platform available for custom HD broadcast applications;
  • Inca AutoCG HD, information channel solution: combines the functionality of a still store, character generator and clip player with connectivity to operate under command of industry-standard automation systems or MOS-enabled environments;
  • Inca InfoCaster HD, central graphics playout solution: quickly and easily create fully automated HD information channels that combine multi-zone presentations of news, weather, community information and advertising.

For more information, visit

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