Kramer debuts three-port repeater/hub for high-speed FireWire signals

Kramer’s VS-30FW repeater/hub is compatible with high-speed and legacy FireWire signal rates.

Kramer Electronics has added the VS-30FW FireWire repeater/hub to its line of Kramer TOOLS. The three-port repeater/hub is compatible with high-speed IEEE 1394b 800Mb/s (S800) signals as well as IEEE 1394a legacy FireWire speeds of 100-, 200-, and of 400Mb/s (S100, S200, S400). The device enables connection of several devices operating at different signal rates.

Several VS-30FW hubs may be cascaded to create up to a 63-port FireWire system. The repeater/hub also allows for hot plugging or hot swapping and supports plug-and-play standards. The machine extends the standard 15ft operation range of DV/FireWire signals, doubling the range when using appropriate cabling.

The VS-30FW has three bilingual IEEE 1394b connectors and can be powered by either an IEEE 1394 bus or an external 12V DC power supply.

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